Entertaining or Educational

The prompt about Florida's Okefenokee Swamp portrayed the same place in two different ways - educational and engaging. Though the second one was better to read, the first one had more information. This made me think about how if I wanted to learn about something, would I pick an article that is practical or entertaining. The practical one would be dull, and the entertaining one might not be informative. I wouldn't know which to pick. It's like the difference between two YouTube videos you find when you search  "How to use chopsticks correctly". One might be called "Using chopsticks correctly" and the other might be called "Five things you didn't know about using chopsticks". I would probably click on both of them, but that's a waste of time. I read this article that said content needs to be at least one of these three things: entertaining, informative, or educational. Or else, it will get lost in the never-ending sea of online content. This is probably why so many content creators focus on only one of these things. They can reach their target audience. If they try to make their content all three of these things, it probably won't work out. Even if it did, they might lose their target audience. Thinking about it now, if I were learning for fun, I would choose the second YouTube video, but if it was for something serious, I would choose the first video. What content we choose is solely based on what our purpose is.



  1. I thought this was a really cool concept to analyze. I never really thought about how much effort goes into catering and acknowledging a targeted audience.


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