What if Daisy had Instagram?

If Daisy Buchanan had an Instagram account, I would follow it immediately. Although she is selfish and shallow, she appears to be sophisticated and charming. Thanks to her family and Tom, she enjoys a luxurious lifestyle. It would make sense for her to post at least once, if not twice every day. Daisy is described as wearing clothes that reflect her wealth, and going after guys that are wealthy. Since Daisy loved money and material luxuries, she would have kept up with the latest trends and conformed to societal expectations. She knows how to act in public and gets uncomfortable when things are not perfect. This indicates that she would would have had a high-quality Instagram, that is worth following. Daisy's life is visually perfect. Her hair is always perfect, her jewelry is amazing, and her clothes are fashionable, and her house is beautiful. Her Instagram would likely show all these lavish things in her life. I also searched for Daisy's name on the app to see if there were any accounts. I found many of them. All of the accounts had a bio that described her life and who she was. All her posts were of herself, and had quality captions. I also noticed that Gatsby wasn't mentioned in most of these accounts. This could have been because she didn't want people to think that her life wasn't perfect. These Instagram accounts are just interpretations of what people though Daisy would look like, but of course her account would have been much better. 


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