Question 7: Are women actually bad drivers?

Women are bad drivers. You've probably heard this sentence at least once in your life. If that annoying car in front of you is doing its tenth three-point turn to get out of a parking spot, you most likely thought that it was a woman driver. Though stereotypes often peg women as bad drivers, statistics show that men are worse drivers. A 2020 study of road fatality data found that men cause twice as many fatal car accidents per mile driven as women do. Not only are men involved in more fatal accidents, but they also tend to exhibit more aggression behind the wheel. Men also receive 70% of all traffic violations. Unfortunately, this percentage is way too close to the percentage of people who think women are worse drivers than men. Usually, when people think of the stereotypical woman driver, they think of someone who is confused, easily harassed, and just a bit incompetent. Not just that, they are also quick to assume teachers and nurses are women, expect that women will take care of the children, cook, and clean the home, expect women to be emotional, and of course, assume that women are bad drivers. That's what most people, especially men, think. But the reverse is actually true - it's men who are the incompetent drivers. They are unable to avoid potholes, get their car all the way into the space, not hit people, and not kill people. So why are women considered bad drivers? That is just how many people perceive women: as incompetent. 


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